Wednesday, October 4, 2023 5:30pm to 7:30pm
About this Event
701 E 2nd St, Pomona, CA 91766
Please join us in-person or via Zoom as MEDWell and the Pumerantz Library welcome back COMP Alum Habib Sadeghi, DO Class of 2000. Dr Sadeghi will be talking about techniques in his book, The Clarity Cleanse as well as a book signing following event. Register here by Wednesday 9/27/23 only if you are planning to come in-person. No need to bring your ticket, we are just using registration function to track attendee numbers and categories. (Limit 200 in-person attendance).
Otherwise use the zoom details below to tune in!
Zoom ID: 995 2551 4065
Passcode: clarity